Ways To Practice Reiki

There are Four basic types of Energy Work as it pertains to classical Usui Ryoho Reiki Therapy. Each characteristic includes a way of sensing and processing different kinds of energy.
While some energy is easier to identify than others, regular practice helps one to purify and recharge their energy.
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Byosen Reiki: Disease Radiation
When dis-ease exists in the mind, body, or spirit, the energy will build up. This causes a culmination of tension, which radiates from the place in the body it is held. Practice identifying Byosen in the body and energy channels by following the steps listed here.
It is important to recognize that the energy of discomfort or dis-ease will manifest in the energy body before it reaches the physical body. When something feels different, take note. It usually takes about 2-3 days for an energy blockage to manifest into a physical ailment.
Energy tension, buildup, or blockage will manifest not only in the literal area of the body affected but also in its relating parts. For example, parts connected to the liver meridian, such as the eyes may be affected accordingly. Stomach problems appear on the forehead, and so on.
Dokukudashi Reiki: Detoxification
Dokukudashi means detoxification of the body and its energy. When one detoxifies, they release any poison or dis-ease that has been causing discomfort in their system.
To practice Dokukudashi Reiki on yourself or a client, place your hand on the stomach of the afflicted person. Set your intention on removing all poison from the system. This can remove all toxins from the mind, body, and spirit. This practice is common to dissolve skin irregularities, drug addiction, mental and emotional turmoil, and digestive issues.
If one treatment of Reiki Detoxification is not sufficient, try a few more times. Usui Ryoho originally described Reiki as a way to upheave and remove toxins and blockages from the physical and subtle body. Like a muddy stream, however, some energy may resettle after being shuffled around through Reiki. This indicates energy that requires a handful of treatments. Reiki works as a steady process along with the client’s mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual state.
Koketsuho: Blood Exhange
Koketusuho in Reiki means recycling or purifying the blood. Also known as a blood exchange, this helps to purify and cleanse the blood by removing clots and blockages, bits of tissue, and other impurities.
This practice is particularly helpful for those with autoimmune issues or the elderly. Blood exchange increases strength and flow, and helps the body to finish processing energies or particles in the blood flow.
To practice Koketusuho, focus on the heart and vertebrae. Breath retention also increases the strength of the exercise. From the upper body, rub the querent’s back beginning near the spine around the area of the heart. Start at the spine moving right, left, and down the spine.
Next, press thumbs on either side of the vertebrae beginning at the top, sliding straight down the channel, stopping just below the SI joint. Repeat this fifteen times. It can be helpful to cleanse, bathe, or practice another purifying exercise after the session.
One can also begin this process at the top of the cervical spine moving down to the tailbone to include the whole body. This can also be done by channeling down the arms, gently over the stomach and intestines, or down the legs, all the way to the toes. Always repeat this several times to encourage the new flow direction.
Nentatsu Reiki: Transferring WillPower
In Reiki, Nentatsu means to transfer your willpower into the energy of your client. This is a clear way of transferring a clear intention. First, draw your attention to your third eye and set your intention to “all illness and dis-ease will be cured,” as well as the Five Fundamentals of Reiki.
Then, visualize the client receiving your healing intention through their third eye. Hold this energy steady for a few minutes before sealing and grounding the energy.
Since Reiki is a form of energy work, the results depend largely on the mental state of the querent. Separately, anything you pick up intuitively should merely be observed and recognized as not belonging to you. In the same manner, consciously sending healing intentions to someone will allow them to receive the energy if they are, in fact, receptive to it.
It is important to remember when practicing Reiki that the practitioner does not heal, Reiki does. When practiced correctly, giving Reiki should not utilize or drain your own energy. Reiki uses the practitioner as a channel instead of using their own energy.
There are several modalities of Reiki, and of energy work outside of Reiki.
Try these methods on yourself, and others who consent to receive Reiki from you. Reiki can prove a powerful and wonderful practice to diminish or eliminate dis-ease and discomfort from the mind, body, and spirit of all living beings!

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