Inner Child Healing

Inner Child Healing

Our inner child holds the purest version of ourselves. As a child, we see the world with wonder. We always hold an imprint of this inner child with us. It remains in our memory, energy, and physical body. Therefore, inner child healing allows us to live in our most authentic selves. Blockages here need to be assessed and transmuted just like any other energy.

Inner Child Meditation

There are many ways to use meditation to heal your inner child. Examples include visualizing your childhood self during hard times and sending light, love, or healing energy to yourself. Also, you can visualize yourself hugging your inner child, or lending them an ear in a time of need. Since time is relative and energy isn’t bound to time, this will not only rewire the mental and energetic memory of these events, but also transmute the energy. 

Dream Journaling

Pay attention to your dreams! Keep a dream journal to log any big or small details you remember. This will help you compile messages from your inner child, subconscious, angels and guides that have come through. Often the things we are working through present themselves in our dreams for us to sort through without adding stress to our waking life. This is why dream journaling is so important. Dream interpretation is always amazing, but really, only you know what your own signs and synchronicities mean. Pulling Tarot cards can also help to interpret these messages. 

Visual Exercises 

Exercises like coloring, dancing in front of a mirror, or watching a favorite movie of yours from childhood is a great way to heal your inner child. Coloring or fingerpainting is great for color therapy as well. Spending stress and consequence-free time creating something opens us up to the part of ourself with childlike wonder. Dancing in front of a mirror and appreciating your own quirky and organic movement is also a great example. Seeing yourself through new eyes just as you did as a child will allow you to access that deep inner love we seek. Was there a movie you watched on repeat as a child? Oftentimes, our favorite movies as a child portray important themes that will come up in our lives. Our souls recognize these journeys as familiar to us and we immediately gravitate them, seemingly with no explanation.

Rewriting Your Rules

Was there a food you weren’t allowed to eat as a kid? Maybe there was a movie you couldn’t watch, or a place you were never allowed to go. Allowing yourself to break free from these conditioned limitations will unlock a freedom-healing inside your heart chakra. As adults, we often carry with us reasonless rules and policies. We unknowingly implement these onto ourselves as self-protection techniques. However, allowing yourself to dive into these seemingly “taboo” activities is a wonderful way to regain your power and connect. To find more conclusive evidence, check out your birth chart


At first, accessing your inner child may not seem like a forward movement. However, as you become loving and accepting of your own inner self, your feelings will change. Inner child healing is an integral part to maintaining a healthy foundation in both the material and spiritual realms. Try out any of these exercises that resonate with you (in positive or negative ways!) and start there. The most important thing is to remain grateful for your experience and offer yourself divine unconditional love.

From my heart to yours.



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