Grounding Techniques

Grounding Techniques

You can stay grounded in your energy whenever you feel out of balance. Signs you should ground include feeling insecure or in a dreamy state. Always ground your energy after connecting with different energies. Touch the ground to connect to the Earth. Use Crystals or other techniques. Also, you can drink water to relieve stuck energy.

Chakra Healing:

You can heal the Root Chakra by spending time in nature. This will connect you with Mother Earth that always provides. 

Grounding relates us with the Root Chakra. The Muladhara Chakra allows us to feel safe and secure. Also, we call upon the Root Chakra to ground all other chakras or energies. Find that grounding gives us faith, as when we are connected to Mother Earth we need nothing more and nothing less.

If you feel unsafe or anxious, this signals that your Root Chakra is underactive. If you feel too comfortable or fixed, this indicates an overactive Root Chakra. Therefore, both of these energies are ungrounded. Connecting to the Earth by grounding heals these ailments. 

Grounded Movement:

Feel grounded by moving your pelvis, hips, legs, and feet. Yoga also helps. Grounding yoga asanas include mountain pose, garuda, and other balancing exercises, and malasana (yogi squat).

Grounding Herbs:

Herbs for grounding include ginger, sandalwood, and rosewood oil. 

Color Therapy:

The color red, as well as other Earth/Neutral colors, heal grounding energy.

Grounding Techniques

Sound Healing:

396 Hz and 432 Hz are grounding vibrations. These resonances depict the Root Chakra and Mother Earth sounds in waves we can hear. 

Grounded Reiki:

After giving a Reiki session, brush your client’s aura and touch the ground to connect the Reiki energy with the Earth. This technique can also be done while giving Reiki to the Earth or the collective.

Grounding with Crystal Healing:

Use grounding crystals such as Red Jasper, Carnelian, Obsidian, and Tourmaline to ground your energy. Place the crystal over your Root Chakra or feet. You can also place or wear the crystal near a chakra or meridian that needs grounding. 


Earthing is a modern-day term for walking around in nature, barefoot. Going barefoot is a great way to instantly ground your energy. We have tons of receptors in our feet that are dulled by shoes, socks, and concrete. Connect your toes with dirt or sand any chance you get. A barefoot walk a day keeps the doctor away!

Grounding Visualization:

Visualize roots connecting you to Mother Earth. Focus and meditate on your Root Chakra. State an Affirmation (ie. I AM GROUNDED). Visualize yourself walking barefoot in nature or doing any of the techniques listed above. Allow your body to experience grounding by sending it through your brainwaves consciously.


Say out loud “I am grounded. I am grounded. I am grounded.” repetitively. With your fingertips, tap from the bottom of your knees down the front of your chins, to your ankle. Spend some quality time focusing on each individual spot. Next, repeat steps one and two while tapping your fingers from the tops of your ankles down to your toes. Repeat on the front, sides, and back of your legs/feet. Travel in counter-clockwise motions around the leg. Then, repeat in a clockwise direction. You may include Reiki symbols if this is part of your practice.

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