The Four Elements in Astrology
![The Four Elements in Astrology](
According to Astrology, we are each made up of a different combination of four main elements. These elements are Fire, Earth, Water, and Air. Interested in learning how this affects you? You can see how your elements are balanced here!
Humans have always depended on fire. So, stories go back to the beginning of humanity. Accordingly, Greek mythology states that Prometheus stole Zeus’s fire. Next, he gave it to the humans. Then, they could harness its power, which would turn them into gods. Separately, cosmologist Heracleitus based all of his studies on the theory that all things come from fire. Now, modern-day scientists prove that all matter in the universe is forged from heated pressure in the stars. As a result, the fiery death of all that plasma gave birth to us in the first place. So, the Fire element reminds us that death makes life. Also, fire lights up the darkness.
The element of Fire is represented by the Sun. It manifests through the zodiac signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Fire inspires action and impulsivity. Therefore, Firey individuals are passionate and motivated, also in touch with masculine energy.
The element Earth manifests as the matter on this planet. So, when we feel grounded we tune into the Root and Earth Star Chakras. The Earth element helps us stay present. Greek Mythology states that the first divine being was a goddess called Gaia. First, she created herself out of primordial chaos. Then, she became Planet Earth and its life.
Earth is associated with feminine energy. Additionally, the zodiac signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn represent it. Earth keeps us grounded, structured, and stable. This element rules our physical body and experience. She allows us to feel safe and secure, planting roots and grounding life.
Next, Water is the element of our emotions and intuition. Related to the moon and its phases, water nurtures life. Therefore, water creates our internal experience. Water has been present on Earth since its creation. Fascinatingly, most creation stories point to water as the source of consciousness.
“The Earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”
The Bible
“In the beginning, there was only the Creator, from him the water was formed.”
The Rigveda
“First the gods, and subsequently all beings arose from the fusion of saltwater and sweet water.”
Enuma Elis
According to Greek mythology, Pontus was the original deity of the water element. He represents the sea of consciousness and the depths of the unknown. Pontus’s name translates directly to “the road,” as he helps us stay on our path. The Water element is native to feminine energy and zodiac signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. The water element reminds us to follow our hearts to find and navigate our path.
Finally, the Air element nurtures connection. It holds all elements together. Air signifies thought, breath, and Prana. Air provides both clarity and unpredictability. In mythology, the element Air struck Fire, which created Water and Earth. The Greek god Aether ruled holy light or upper air. Upon chaos and the creation of fire, he gained consciousness. This transformed him into our atmosphere and the very air we breathe.
Since masculine and ever-changing, we see the Air element manifested as zodiac signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, it heightens our communication and guides our thoughts. Prana, or Air, remains constant in both stillness and chaos. Air shows us how to go with the flow. It reminds us to breathe. There are 5 different types of Prana in Yoga & Ayurveda. To learn more about them, check out Pancha Pranas.
Work with these elements by healing your chakras or staying up-to-date with the transits!
Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius (Masculine)
Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn (Feminine)
Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius (Masculine)
Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces (Feminine)
Interested in Traditional Chinese Medicine or the Meridian System? Learn More Here!
Bonus: Dive into your karmic cycles by learning about the Astrological Degrees!
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