Days of the Week

Have you noticed that we eat, work, and play around the same schedule? Across the board, Mondays can be introverted. On Saturdays, we adventure. On Fridays, we date or go out. Each day holds its own vibration. This influences us just like our natal charts and the lunar cycles.
According to the principle of uniformity, the entire universe is homogeneous. You can see the atmosphere in your fingerprint. So, there is always a larger perspective where everything looks the same.
Consequently, by following this principle, we can associate everything with a matching frequency. These frequencies just so happen to align with planets, asteroids, and constellations within our galaxy. While it’s unclear exactly how advanced ancient civilizations were in their time, many commonalities exist between ancient sciences. This includes their writings on days of the week.
How are we affected by the Days of the Week?
For a more fine-tuned daily perspective, check out our circadian rhythms here.
By understanding the laws of energy, we can tune our own energies to a particular frequency. My goal is to provide insight into the flow of the universe and the accessibility of these frequencies. Using this method, we could bring awareness and healing to a blocked area.
Sunday is dedicated to the Sun. The Sun represents outer expression, action, victory, and masculine traits. He brings with him good luck and a positive disposition. Sunday is also attributed to the Hindu god Shiva (Divine Masculine). He is in charge of the creation, maintenance, and destruction of this world.
A day of positive light and acknowledgment of the hard work of the week prior, preparing for the next week. Sundays may bring illusions to light and are a great day for confidence-building exercises or tantric yoga.
Monday is the day of the Moon- that which goes unseen. The moon represents our emotions, intuition, and inner self. Monday also corresponds with Hindu goddess Shakti, the Divine Feminine. She is meant to be a sum of all goddesses, her name literally meaning “power.” We may feel extra intuitive on Monday, as this is also the day we externalize our internal thoughts and emotions.
Shakti shows us the importance of intuition before action, and the Moon strengthens our Clair ability and emotional body. This is the vibe for Mondays! As the moon revolves around the Earth, it creates the lunar cycles we are so familiar with. Mondays are the best days to check in on how you’re affected by the current lunar cycles.
Tuesday is the day of Mars, the planet of aggression, passion, and war. The ruler of the astrological sign Aries, Mars adds wildfire to the mix. This makes Tuesday a great day to ask for that raise or run a marathon. Furthermore, Tuesday is also attributed to the altruistic Hindu Goddess Ganesha.
Also known as Ganesh, she is the remover of all obstacles, guiding us down our correct soul path. She is indicative of new energy and is commonly known in the form of an elephant. On Tuesdays, the Hindu Goddess’s purifying energy is paired with that of Mars, creating an unstoppable force that helps us align with our higher paths and step out of our comfort zones!
Wednesday also has a powerful vigor, ruled by Mercury, the messenger of the gods. As a bridge between worlds, Mercury makes for comfortable communication on Wednesday, also making it a good day for channeling messages and intuitive thinking. Additionally, Wednesday is also the day of Odin (Woden).
The Norse war god is said to have discovered runes by hanging himself from a tree until he was filled with the Spirit, gaining limitless knowledge and a cosmic ability to save himself. Known for his extreme sacrifices in exchange for wisdom, Odin’s energy makes Wednesday a great day for rituals and spellwork. A great warrior and healer, Odin protects heroes, healers, and the magical on Wednesday. If you have channeled messages to share or want to strengthen your divination practice, Wednesday is the day to do it.
Named for the god of Thunder, Thorsday helps us begin projects with the intention of longevity. Thor represents the strength. He reminds us that we owe our lives to the Earth. He protects the Earth with thunder. On Thursday, spend time in nature or practicing strengthening exercises. Thursday also resonates with Jupiter, the largest and strongest of the planets.
Jupiter brings with it a brush of good luck as an often overlooked healer. Wear orange to be struck with extra abundance on Thursday! Waning activities such as cutting hair, or minimizing your wardrobe are best to be avoided on this day. However, if you’re looking to start a business partnership or buy a new gaming system, Thursday is your best bet as the day of electricity and expansion!
Friday is named for the Norse goddess Frigg, or Freyja. The wife of Odin and a powerful clairvoyant, Freyja blesses our relationships and is the goddess of love. Friday is also known for the Roman goddess and planet Venus, a similar archetype. Venus is the goddess of love, sex, desire, and beauty.
She helps us to clarify our true values and desires, and implement them into our lives, making Friday the perfect day to spice up your love life, spend time with friends, or do something you truly love. Together, Freyja and Odin held power over all the realms, reminding us that strength comes from love. Freyja and Venus come around on Friday to help us find joy in life, protecting us in matters of fertility and virtue.
Saturday represents Saturn, our strict karmic teacher. On Saturday, our karma is emphasized, creating a particularly eventful day. Saturn is said to have ruled over the earth during a time of perfect moral virtue. Therefore, in today’s modern age, he will teach us our lessons in the way he most sees fit. Saturn as a benefic planet makes dreams come true, striking us with wild luck- but only if the heart is pure. As a malefic planet, Saturn can destroy that which isn’t appreciated, bringing untimely death, terrible luck, and loss of business.
Saturday is also attributed to Cronus, the King of the Titans. Kronos slew his own father for his crown, ruling over the most destructive era of Earth. He eventually was sent to rot in Tartarus for his actions. His influence makes Saturday a day of fiery temptation and destruction. If one can withstand temptation, one will be karmically rewarded. One might feel the most extraverted on a Saturday or perhaps feel time differently than the rest of the week, as Kronus is also the god of time. Lucky for agriculture, Saturday is a great day for gardening and wild luck, particularly if you’ve been on Saturn’s good side.
By learning about the days of the week, we become better versions of ourselves. The more we seek to understand both ourselves and the universe, the more synchronized with it we become- realizing our true potentials as co-creators of the Universe.
For a more fine-tuned daily perspective, check out our circadian rhythms here.

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