Circadian Rhythm

Your Circadian Rhythm is your body’s natural clock.
A circadian rhythm is an approximately 24-hour cycle that affects all living beings. Everything follows this “flow,” and it makes up the fabric of our being!
Neuroscientists track brain waves, while practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine track yin and yang. Astrologers track planetary movement, and Ayurvedic practitioners track the Doshas.
The Brain’s Rhythm
First, neurologically, our circadian rhythm is tracked by clear patterns of brain waves, hormones, and cell activity. Neglecting this rhythm increases neurodegeneration. Neurotransmitters in the hypothalamus regulate our physiological rhythm.
Our brains are actually hardwired to synchronize with the Sun and its planets. Just like we get more nutrients from the sun during specific hours of the day, we are also mentally, emotionally, and energetically affected in the same ways.
The Chinese Medicine Rhythm
Next, Traditional Chinese Medicine uses a twelve-hour, two-part (yin and yang) clock to track the primary function of the body and its qi throughout the day.
Qi flows through our body’s organ systems and meridians differently throughout the day, and the TCM body clock tracks the time that each organ functions optimally.
See how the organs connect to emotions here!
The Astrological Rhythm
Subsequently, the Zodiac signs track the Sun’s yearly rotations, while the Twelve Houses track the Earth’s own 24-hour axis.
Each sign, house, and planet rules a particular set of energies. Astrologers use the rhythms of the Sun, Moon, Planets, Houses, and more to energetically balance themselves.
The Ayurvedic Rhythm
Next, in Ayurveda, each day cycles through the three Doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Traditionally, the elements break down further into the doshas so we can understand and work alongside them.
Each Dosha rules a section of both day and night, and following this helps us remove friction from our lives. The rhythm of the day breaks into six four-hour cycles which help us synchronize our actions with the best-paired energy.
No matter how you look at it, becoming more aware of your body’s natural rhythm is a great way to bring balance to many aspects of your life.
So, there are more than a few methods one can use to tune into Cosmic Rhythm. All of them teach us how to detect certain wavelengths which encourage our personal growth.
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