Sound Healing

Sound Healing


Singing bowls are a strong way to heal the mind, body, and spirit using sound. By identifying the frequency of the energy we wish to inhabit, we give ourselves the ability to connect with life source energy. Prana flows up and down the spine like a stream but when we have a blockage in one of our chakras the stream doesn’t flow as smoothly. One of the quickest and most effective ways to balance your chakras at home is through sound healing. 

What is Sound Healing?

Playing certain sounds can polarize your chakras, bringing you into harmonic balance. This can be done using singing bowls, tuning forks, or mantras. Our chakras are each identifiable with different frequencies. Since each singing bowl is tuned to the vibration of a specific chakra, we are able to use them to give ourselves “sound baths” in the energy we wish to balance.

Chakra Sound Healing With Singing Bowls

To use your singing bowl, create resonance by either striking your mallet against the upper outer edge of the bowl or rubbing it around the outside rim until you hear the bowl singing. Once you have a tone, continue circling your mallet around the bowl to sustain the sound. Focus your attention on the chakra you wish to heal. Visualize the color associated with the chakra, and imagine it filling with healing love and light.

By chanting the according mantra, you can feel healing activation vibrating through the body and aura. Adding them into our healing sound baths or meditations can help strengthen our energy during the healing process.

Check out our Chakra Healing Guide!

Seven Chakra Sound Healing:

1st Chakra

Name: Root Chakra

Sanskrit: Muladhara

Frequency/ Note: 396 Hz, C5 & F3

Element: Earth

Rules: Grounding, Survival, Basic Trust 

Heals: Pelvis, kidneys, hips, legs, feet

Mantra: LAM


2nd Chakra

Name: Sacral chakra

Sanskrit: Svadhisthana 

Frequency/ Note: 417 Hz, D3 & G1

Element: Water

Rules: Artistic Expression, Creativity, Sexuality

Heals: Sacrum, lower back, reproductive organs

Mantra: VAM


3rd Chakra

Name: Solar Plexus Chakra

Sanskrit: Manipura

Frequency/ Note: 528 Hz, E2 & C4

Element: Fire

Rules: Confidence, Power, Wisdom

Heals: Middle torso, digestive tract, lower ribs, breastbone, gallbladder

Mantra: RAM


4th Chakra

Name: Heart chakra

Sanskrit: Anahata

Frequency/ Note: 639 Hz, F4

Element: Air

Rules: Love, Healing, Acceptance

Heals: Heart, chest, upper back/ shoulders, thoracic spine, lungs, circulatory system

Mantra: YAM


5th Chakra

Name: Throat chakra

Sanskrit: Vishuddha

Frequency/ Note: 741 Hz, G3 & D5

Element: Wood

Rules: Communication, Truth, Self Expression 

Heals: Throat, neck, jaw, tongue, teeth, lips, thyroid, ears

Mantra: HAM


6th Chakra

Name: Third Eye chakra

Sanskrit: Ajna

Frequency/ Note: 852 Hz, G2 & D4

Element: Space

Rules: Intuition, Awareness, Perception

Heals: Eyes, forehead, pineal gland, pituitary gland, brain

Mantra: OM


7th Chakra

Name: Crown Chakra

Sanskrit: Sahasrara 

Frequency/ Note: 963 Hz, G#2 & D4

Element: Consciousness

Rules: Enlightenment, Spirituality, Connection to Source

Heals: Crown of the head, aura, spirit, etheric body, karma

Mantra: AUM


Balance All 7 Chakras:

Frequency/ Note: 432 Hz, A4

Encompasses all Elements as One

Heals all matter of the mind, body, and spirit

Mantra: OM

If you’re interested in furthering your practice, click here!

sound healing

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