Asanas For Seven Chakras
In Yoga, Asana means to find comfort in any given position. This often translates to postures and poses when we step onto the mat. However, we can also consciously direct our practice to tune and balance our energy intently. To do this, we use the Chakras System.
Read more about the benefits of practicing Yoga here.
In Ashtanga Yoga, for example, the practice of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) balances all the Chakras and Nadis in the body in direct and consecutive order. However, not all Yoga practice is structured and left-brained.
Chakra Asanas and Body Awareness
The body seeks individual attention and nourishment. So, observing it and tending to its specific discomfort proves a resourceful and helpful way to open and balance your energy channels. Get creative and individualize your practice!
Get to know your body on an individual level. Then, your awareness of your body and energy will increase as a result. Therefore, movement and observation are important for the maintenance and well-being of your physical system.
Yoga Asanas For the Seven Chakras
- Root Chakra: Grounding, Stability, Comfort
- Mountain Pose, Balancing Exercises, Malasana
- Sacral Chakra: Creativity, Sensuality, Pleasure
- Child’s Pose, Happy Baby, Forward Folds
- Solar Plexus Chakra: Confidence, Willpower, Sense of Self
- Plank Variations, Warrior Poses, Rib Cage Isolations
- Heart Chakra: Heart Center, Unconditional Love, Giving/Receiving
- Puppy Pose, Cobra, Sphynx, Wheel, Backwards Bends, Hastapadasana
- Throat Chakra: Communication, Expression, Authenticity
- Fish Pose, Shoulder Stands, Lion’s Breath, Mantra Chanting
- Pineal Chakra: Intuition, Intellect, Psychic Ability
- Child’s Pose, Forward Fold Variations, Candle Gazing
- Crown Chakra: Connection to Divine, Gateway to Higher Chakras
- Headstands, Forward Fold Variations, Focused Meditation
As you find ease or difficulty with each asana, take note. Observe which areas of life your physical tension may bleed into. Then, allow yourself to grease your muscles and joints. Let your energy flow in the way that feels best for you. Areas that feel great want attention, and areas that feel awful want attention.
For a Free Chakra Balancing Distance Reiki Session, click here.
So, regardless of your level, be authentic with your strength and flexibility in your practice. Always focus on your breath and keep a heart-centered smile on your face.
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