Animal Chakras System

Animal Chakras System

How Are Animal Chakras Different?

Animals have the same seven chakras that we have. But, they also have an additional seven. Therefore, caring for animal chakras requires more elements than a human.

To holistically identify an animal’s wellbeing, it helps to identify energy inconsistencies. Animals are often receptive. Subsequently, they enjoy when humans get to know them on an energetic level.

Keeping Balanced Animal Chakras

In every animal, chakras seek balance. A chakra may become too opened or closed, which creates an inconsistency or blockage. So, tending to an animals chakras can make a big difference in their life.

First, acknowledge their 14 bodily chakras. Then, identify any blockages. Finally, introduce balancing, healing, and grounding to them.

The process of animal healing could include Reiki or other types of energy work. Also, other factors can tie into the health of an animal’s chakras. This can include their diet along with their mental and emotional states. So, tend to these areas just as you would a close family member or friend.

To learn more about your Animal’s Chakras, or for the Astrological chart of your animal friend, please Contact Us.

The Animal Chakras System:


First, the Root Chakra rules Stability, Comfortability, and Safety.

An animal with an overactive Root Chakra may seem too comfortable, stubborn, fixed, or pushy.

Animals with an underactive Root Chakra could feel unsafe, anxious, uncomfortable and insecure.


Next, the Sacral Chakra rules Creativity, Emotions, Ease, and Fun.

An animal with an overactive Sacral Chakra might be aggressive. Additionally, they can become overly sexual, angry, or gluttonous.

One with an underactive Sacral Chakra could seem obsessive, non-playful, or emotionally unstable.


The Solar Plexus Chakra rules Confidence, Ability, and Self- Worth.

An animal with an overactive Solar Plexus Chakra may seem over-confident. Then, they could portray controlling, greedy, or attention-seeking behavior.

Animals with an underactive Solar Plexus Chakra could become passive, shy, insecure, and avoidant of attention.


Additionally, the Heart Chakra rules Love, Giving, Receiving, and Trust.

An animal with an overactive Heart Chakra may become overly giving of themself. Next, this causes behavior that is ignorant of boundaries or even self-neglectful.

One with an underactive Heart Chakra seems unwelcoming, unappreciative, and holds strong boundaries.


The Throat Chakra rules Communication, Speaking, and Listening.

An animal with an overactive Throat Chakra may become loud. Also, they can be ignorant or persistent with trouble listening.

One with an underactive Throat Chakra might seem quiet or shy. Additionally, they could be repressive and unexpressive.


Next, the Brachial Chakra rules Connection to Plants and Other Animals. Also, it senses Empathy, and Companionship.

An animal with an overactive Brachial Chakra could become short-attention- spanned. They can also be emotional, dramatic, or overly social.

An animal with an underactive Brachial Chakra seems uinterested in connections. This causes apathety, boredom, and self-isolation.


The Pineal Chakra rules Intuition, Wisdom, Memory, and Thoughts.

An animal with an overactive Pineal Chakra could overthink. This causes them to also become stressed, obsessive, pensive, or spacey.

One with an underactive Pineal Chakra seems not present, unaware, out of tune, or overly critical.


Next, the Crown Chakra rules Detachment, Divinity, and Connection to Self.

An animal with an overactive Crown Chakra may become spacey. They could also be distant, depressive, or anxious.

One with an underactive Crown Chakra seems lost, disconnected, stubborn, and avoidant.


Finally, the Bud Chakras rule Connection to Weather and Subtle Energy Vibrations.

An animal with overactive Bud Chakras can be daring, confident, and overly receptive.

One with underactive Bud Chakras seems skiddish, stiff, or isolating.

Additionally, animals have Six Bud Chakras.

The Bud Chakras rule the animals’ vibratory senses.

One is on each paw. Two are at the base of the ears. Through these sensors, weather and subtle energy vibrations interact with their energy field.

Therefore, this additional sense tells animals when there will be changes in the weather or potential dangers to their environment. 

Identifying Animal Chakras

Awareness of the Animal Chakra System allows one to better understand and care for their furry friends.

Just like us, your animal benefits from maintaining a healthy energy flow. So, spend time with an animal and identify their energy centers.

Separately, be aware that this can be an energetically vulnerable experience for them. First, open your energy to them. Then, let them come to you organically.

The Brachial Chakra picks up intentions. Consequently, it helps to send them love and light.

So, keep an eye on your animals’ chakras using this Animal Chakras System. This will allow you to identify their energy’s flow. Then, you can care for them on an even deeper level!


animal chakras

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