3 Guided Meditations

Why Meditate?
Incorporating meditation into your day has been proven to cause miracles. Literally. Meditation can reduce stress and increase peace of mind. Practicing leads to health optimization and higher chances of success in love, finances, and anything one could visualize. There is no wrong way to meditate, but knowing where to start can be overwhelming. I’ve put together 3 Guided Meditations for Deep Relaxation to serve you daily, because there should be no stress involved in meditation. Read through a meditation a couple of times, and let yourself resonate with the energy. Then- when you’re ready- practice each journey without the script and let the Light of Love carry you into its Essence.
- Body Awareness Guided Meditation
Lay on your back in a comfortable position, and let your body sink into the ground. Feel the whole weight of your body falling downwards melting like a piece of chocolate over a warm fire. Wiggle your toes. Move your ankles. Feel a stretch in your ligaments and tissues. Now Relax your feet. Feel the weight of the kinetic energy you’ve just created. Move that feeling up your shins, like a warm stream of water ebbing through your tensions- and watch them float away. Feel this relaxation wrapped around your ankles and flowing up the back of your calves, hugging your knees, flowing up your thighs and around your hamstrings. Feel the weight of your butt, and release any hip tension to the Earth, Let any discomfort flow and sink into the Earth. Let Mother Earth hold you as you melt into her, feeling her light and warmth like a hug. Release any tension in your neck, shoulders and face. Keep your eyes closed. Now take a deep inhale, breathing through allllllll of your muscles. Exhale, and sink again. Feel your body melt. Imagine that you’re floating on a soft, lush cloud, and remain in this place peacefully and lovingly for as long as you’d like. Once you’re ready, refocus your attention on your breath. Feel the breath sending energy through your body as you begin to wiggle your fingers, then your toes. Slowly come back into your body, and move whatever serves you. Whenever you’re ready, open your eyes and sweetly thank yourself for taking the time you deserve to practice.
2. Divine Mother Guided Meditation
For this meditation, find a comfortable position and lose your eyes. Take Three deep breaths, in and out, finding your center and focusing on your Prana Center, your Life Source Spirit Gate, your navel. Feel a Mighty Oak Tree grow out of your navel, the trunk shooting past the clouds and into the ether. Mother Earth’s Cosmic Roots anchor themselves deeply within your body, your soul and your essence, intertwining you with the Infinite. You feel indistinguishable from the cosmos. You are light in infinite space, Mighty as The Oak Tree. Your light grows exponentially and infinitely, expanding vastly into a breath of stillness. From this peaceful stillness, you are given life. Imagine the Divine Mother within you and around you, all stemming from your navel. You are Light. You are Rebirth. In this space, you lovingly come to realize that you are once again within your Mother’s womb. You are One with your True Essence. You are safe, you are Divine, you are infinitely loved. Feel Pure Light washing over you like a waterfall. Feel this calm, Divine glow of light consuming you as you gently open your eyes. See the Light of New Life around you and feel it within you. Carry it throughout the rest of your day. Feel the Divine Light of Love gushing out of you infinitely – Nurturing You with each inhale; Nurturing the Universe with each exhale.
3. I AM Guided Meditation
This meditation can be done at the office, in bed, or while doing the dishes. Slowly Inhale through your nose, pushing the air up to the back of the throat. Exhale through your mouth, pushing the air down through the bottom of your chin and neck. Practice this breathing pattern a few times until you feel a circular pattern in your breath. Feel space from the breath filling your cranium, throat, and heart. With each inhale, say to yourself, “I,” and with every exhale, “AM.” Take your time repeating this mantra to yourself, alongside each stride of breath. I, AM. I, AM. I, AM. Repeat this process as long as you need to, when and wherever it may serve you. It is recommended to close your eyes and let yourself fall into the journey this meditation brings for a fuller experience. This would also then allow you to access this same peace should you practice this meditation in more distracting settings.
Practicing these 3 Guided Meditations for Deep Relaxation daily will brighten your life, sharpen your mind, and improve your health. Invite Meditation and Deep Relaxation into your life, and feel One with the Essence of the Universe.
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